Elle Bäst i test nagelbandsolja – bästa tipsen för att få fina nagelband
Har du nagelband som lätt spricker och blir torra? Då är en nagelbandsolja produkten för dig! I ELLEs stora bäst i test hittar du årets bästa nageloljor och bästa tipsen för att få fina nagelband!
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Skönhetsredaktörens tips: smink med solskydd
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The beauty experts have these 3 products in their bags this summer
The summer days are long (and that's a good thing), and the summer nights are perhaps even longer - in any case, it's good to have your beauty favorites ready in your bag. Both the skin and the lo...
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The best lip products with SPF
June is here and of course the summer sun should be enjoyed as much as possible. Sunscreen is the most important beauty product throughout the summer, but mangle forgets the lips. In everyday life...
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The Nod Mag: Welcome to the cult of lip oils
If you feel like there’s a new glossy lip product launching every week, you’re right. Drop any trendy makeup brand + lip oil into a search bar, and you’ll see an array of juicy, candy-coloured tub...
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Green But Unseen: How Business Is Taking Small Steps To Combat Climate Change by Forbes
“Traditionally, luxury in our field has been synonymous with extravagant bottles and heavy compacts featuring mirrors for packaging, leading to excessive material consumption, an increased carbon ...
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Summer Trends: These are the 4 big pedicure trends for 2024
As soon as the days get warmer and the weather gets nicer, it's time to get out of your socks and put your bare feet into your shoes. Chic sandals, mules, mules etc. are proudly made and provide...
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Årets bästa setting spray – favoriterna som får bäst i test
En setting spray är ett måste om du vill att din makeup ska se bra ut och sitta på plats – hela dagen. ELLE utser vinnarna av årets bästa setting spray och berättar varför produkten är en investeri...
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Who What Wear Asked Chic Jet-Setters What Fashion and Beauty Essentials They Pack in Their Carry-Ons
If there's something you can swear on about fashion people, it's that no matter the trip or occasion, their travel essentials will be anything but boring. Whether it's weekender bags or aesthetical...
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Vogue’s weekly edit: The best of the beauty cupboard
Each week, Vogue Scandinavia's beauty editor Josefin Forsberg curates the newest and most noteworthy products to have landed in the beauty cupboard. From a plumping ‘Sleeping Beauty’ overnight mas...
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Beauty Charts: Our Best Beauty Finds This Month
"The best beauty buys we are eyeing right now." by Grazia India. This eyeshadow palette has five different sets of vegan pigments that complement each other in the softest manner, and are perfect f...
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Behöver du en mascara som inte flagnar? Vi bad redaktörer och experter att dela sina 18 favoriter
Att hitta rätt mascara kan kännas som att vinna på lotto. Om den markerar alla rutor för att förlänga, förtjocka eller definiera dina fransar, så har du hittat dig själv en keeper. Men även några a...
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Paging Carmela Soprano: "Mob Wife"-smink är populärt på TikTok
Borta är tiderna med Barbie rosa allt och ultraminimalistisk " ren tjej-estetik ." I vinter omfamnar vi den förtjusande djärva " mobhustru "-looken. Om du re...
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ELLE Norge Beauty Awards: Bästa mascara
Vatn Volume 38°C Mascara Black från IDUN Minerals är den vattenfasta mascaran du vill ha i väskan året runt – från vinter i en eventuell snöstorm tills sommaren kommer och stranden kallar. De...
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Weekly Edit: The New Beauty Launches On Our Radar RN
This Sweden-born brand, known for its mineral-based make-up products, recently forayed into the Indian beauty landscape. Their powder blush comes in berry-coloured shades, from coral to brown-pink,...
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